SETILog for Unix
Documentation SourceForge Project

Usage Documentation

Documentation is the bane of every programmer. I love to read it, but I hate to write it. This page details my ongoing struggle to write decent documentation for the SETILog for Unix project. If you want to contribute documentation or have suggestions or comments, contact me.

Running SETILog From a Script

You can use the following script to run the SETI@Home client and then log the results using SETILog. Just copy the script into the same directory as your SETI@Home client or edit the variables at the top of the script if you put the script somewhere else. You can cut and paste the script into your favorite text editor or click here to download the script. Make sure that you rename the script and make it executable using chmod +x before you run it.

I have this script set up to run as a crontab every two hours. If SETI@home is not finished with the current work unit, the script just exits

Running SETILog as a Daemon

New in version 1.3.0 is the abilty to run SETILog as a daemon. This means that SETIlog only has to be run once. It will load itself into memory and stay there. The SETILog program itself will take care of running the SETI@Home client, waiting for the results, logging them and the running the client again.


In the interest of being lazy and not writing more documentation that I have to, here is the README file for the current version on SETILog:

Program    : SETILog
Author     : Mark Loukko, UNIX-Port by Tobias Meyer and Robert Clark 
Maintainer : Robert Clark ( 

  This Program will log some information about a completed 
  SETI@Home Workunit in a file needed for SETIWatch

Building SETILog:
  Please refer to the file BUILDING for details on how to configure and build

    -h  Displays help text.
    -a  Automatic mode. Will start as a daemon and run the SETI@Home client 
	    directory. All messages will be logged using the syslog facility.
    -p  Directory containing the SETILog.csv file. If SETILog.csv does not 
	    exist one will be created. At the moment there is no file locking 
        done, so using this to save the work of several computers in one
        file is not safe (if two computers access the file at the same time
        it might get corrupted. The SETI@Home files remain unharmed in any case)
    -s  Directory containing the SETI@Home data files. The default is the 
	    current directory. Provide the path to the directory containing the 
		SETI@Home client logs (state.sah etc.) that you want logged.
    -c  Full path to the SETI@Home client. If not provided, them the PATH is 
	    searched. This parameter is optional when not running as a daemon
    -d  Debug level, the higher the number, the more debug info.
    -q  Quiet mode, print no info at all.
    -k  Shut down an existing SETILog client that is running as daemons. 
        (requires -c)

    This logs the result from the current working directory to ./SETILog.csv

  ./SETILog -p/tmp 
    This logs the result from the current working directory to /tmp/SETILog.csv

  ./SETILog -p /tmp -D6
    This logs the result from the current working directory to /tmp/SETILog.csv
    and gives excessive debug information.

  ./SETILog -s /opt/seti_at_home/client313 -p /tmp/123
    This reads the SETI@Home results from the directory /opt/seti_at_home/client313
    and logs them to /tmp/123/SETILog.csv
  ./SETILog -a -c $HOME/seti/setiathome -p $HOME/seti/results
    Starts SETILog in automatic mode. SETILog will run the SETI@Home client
	$HOME/seti/setiathome, wait for it to finish, log the results to
	$HOME/seti/results/SETILog.csv and then run the SETI@Home client again.
  ./SETILog -a -c $HOME/seti/setiathome -- -proxy localhost:1234
    Starts SETILog in automatic mode. SETILog will run the SETI@Home client
	$HOME/seti/setiathome, wait for it to finish, log the results to
	$HOME/seti/results/SETILog.csv and then run the SETI@Home client again.
    The SETI@Home client will be passed the extra options "-proxy localhost:1234"
  ./SETILog -k -c $HOME/seti/setiathome
    Shuts down a SETILog daemon that was started to execute $HOME/seti/setiathome

Reporting Bugs:

The SETILog home page is and the project page is You can report problems on the webpage
or send email to me at There is a mirror of the SourceForge
site at

Please include as much information about the problem as possible; this include
what type of system you are running one and any error messages that may have been

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